Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Busy Weekend Visting and a Dog Show

Wow what an exciting past few days...... On July 1st Julia & Pat got a great visit in with Sydney and the puppies (as well as Christy & Aidie). The pups were extremely active for being just 10 days old and they looked in fantastic chubby weight. As well Sydney looked awesome and was extremely sweet and excited about visitors coming to the house to visit with her and the pups. Actually think she was excited that 'grandma-Pat' had other Koping family in the van and hoped that she was going to get to go for a big run with all of us ;-)

Then P!nk and her Win'Weim friend Paula Deen visiting from Texas went to a dog show in Cold Lake. P!nk got two more BPIG's along with 2pts and Paula Deen got a Grp4 placement and 6pts. VERY nice weekend for the girls!

1 comment:

  1. My gosh, those little puppies have sure grown!...they look like little Weims.

    Congrats to Pink and Paula at the show
